Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, November 20, 2008

we have a date!

What Colin thinks about us bringing another baby into the family
(just kidding - Brent ate one of his M&M's that I had given him as a treat)
We might not get snow in Virginia Beach but the snow shovel works great for scooping up leaves.

We have a date now. July 8th! Or hopefully earlier. Colin came early so I'm hoping this one does too. But since we have a cinco de mayo baby we're hoping for a 4th of july one too :) that would be great. We saw our little baby on an ultrasound this week and it was still as amazing as seeing Colin for the first time. Maybe even more so since we know what to expect and what a JOY Colin has been. Colin wasn't sure what was going on and keeps going "mama tummy hurt" and kissing my tummy. But then Brent keeps telling him there is a baby in my tummy so the poor thing thinks the baby is making my tummy hurt. I have to get Brent to stop saying that. Pregnancy this time is really rough. I was sick with Colin and spent the first few months on the couch when I came home at night but at least during the day it wasn't so bad. I did have to eat a lot with Colin. For example - before I met a girl for breakfast I would have to eat a bowl of cereal, drive 5 minutes to meet her for breakfast, eat breakfast, then go to staff meeting, which was only a 10 minute walk and have to eat something once I sat down otherwise I would be so nauseated. But at least it made me feel better. This time its awful. It comes in waves and nothing can be done about it. Poor Colin. He hasn't had mommy to play with much and does watch more tv now than he did. There are a few times where I feel fine but then all of a sudden it hits me and I just have to lie down. And the extra saliva. I don't know if other people have it but with Colin at any given minute I could spit a cup full and this time its even worse. And eating doesn't seem to help make any of it go away. But I'm hoping its only another few weeks of all this. James and Angela have been in town visiting from San Diego so thats helped a lot and it helps to get out of the house. But it is all worth it in the end and we can't wait to see our little baby. Colin has been sleeping with my old baby doll (for you family members - Pam is alive and well again) and is so sweet to tuck in the baby at night, feed her the bottle, and snuggle with her. Its really sweet and makes me think he'll be a great big brother... until the other day when I saw him trying to drop kick the baby.... we may have to work on that.
Where I spend a lot time lately - especially in the afternoons and night. Colin likes to snuggle too and bring his blankets.


Julie said...

oh I will be praying you feel better soon! That is no fun.

Nystral Djo said...

how sweet that he likes to cuddle! congratulations, again, on the news - just keep telling yourself that all that morning sickness means everything is going great ;)

Anonymous said...

the 1st picture made me laugh, along with the comment! He's very dramatic... I think he takes after Ant Ant

Anonymous said...

We all may need to snuggle at the game tomorrow!! Brrrrr! I understand Colin's reaction to Brent eating his M&M's perfectly clear. I'm the same way.

Michelle said...

Hi Abigail -

Sorry to hear you are in an almost constant state of nausea. I hope it doesnt last long. I found that with both pregnancies - chewing gum or a piece of candy seemed to help. I liked smarties or butter rum lifesavers. Are you going to find out the gender?