Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Friday, June 13, 2008

buying a house the second time....

The first time we bought a house we looked at it and fell in love with the house right away. We didn't really pay attention to the neighborhood or anything like that. And our house was nice... the neighborhood while safe needed some tlc. And also not one I could take colin for walks on as the streets were very narrow. This time around we are putting a lot more things into consideration. Which I guess is good but means that we still don't have a house. Brent and I have looked at I think 50 homes now in person and hundreds more online. Thank goodness for google maps because I can see the neighborhoods online and map out if we can go on bike rides or walks through the neighborhood - things like that. Colin makes things a little more difficult because we want a safe neighborhood for him to play in and also good schools in case where're still here in 3 years. It seems we can either get the house we really want with no yard or no privacy (you look into 6 other homes) or a nice yard but a smaller house than we want. We have passed up on two really nice homes. The first we almost put an offer and went back and walked the neighborhood but just didn't feel that was the house for us. The second house we put in a full price offer and asked them to pay half the closing costs and they didn't accept our offer and we didn't want to counter offer or want to accept their counter offer. The house was amazing but the yard tiny tiny. Both times the Lord has kept us from buying these homes and we dont regret it. We're just very tired of thinking about it and looking at homes. We know the Lord didn't make our house take a year to sell for us to get a house we're not in love with down here but we're getting tired of waiting. So hopefully we will find our house soon. I'm sure we're the pickiest buyers our agent is working with but he's very patient and is always ready to take us out.


Abbey said...

I understand your concern! When we bought our house, we couldn't help but think of Morgann in the decision.We were very specific: we wanted a 2-family, already occupied by tenants, a yard, 3 bedrooms, and a quieter neighborhood on the West Side of Manchester. When we first drove by, we hated it because the exterior is so ugly (puke green aluminum siding, which it still has and will have for a while!) But God provided. Its in walking distance of the church, has a yard (small, but they all are in the city) and is quiet for the city too. Sometimes we think, why didn't we wait a year (as the housing market is much cheaper this year!) but God answered all our prayers and gave us just what we needed...and wanted too. He is so good to us!

All this to say, we will pray for the perfect house for you!

Beth said...

Ugh... I can only imagine when we go to buy a house. Poor Wes! :) I think it's good to be picky, though -- it's a big investment. I'll be excited to see pictures of the one you finally choose! :)

Bringing Up Boys said...

Trust me there are pickier buyers out there than you all... at least you all know what you are looking for and as GI Joe always used to say knowing is half the battle!