All year she has been persistent in wanting to get student of the month. Month after month went by. Then she asked her teacher how they pick. and her teacher said it was given from the resource teachers. They all will put a students name in something if they see a student doing well and at the end of the month picked out the students names. She was relentless in wanting to help her art teacher, pe teacher, etc. A month of that and she got student of the month.
She is hot and cold with school. She's really struggled lately wanting to go. We are all in summer mode already. Two weeks ago she locked herself in her bedroom and refused to come out because she had an SOL. They put so much pressure on these kids for a test that doesn't count. The only way we got her to school was to tell her she would still have to take the test - just with strangers whenever she went back.
Now that SOLS are over she's enjoying school. On Friday they just crafted and did whatever they wanted! these poor teachers. They have another 10 days to get through.
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