Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, July 04, 2016

4th of July

Happy 4th of July! 

Our city does fireworks on July 3rd and it was all Norah talked about for days. She would count down the days until fireworks and tell everyone how many days left there were. The boys didn't really want to go - Colin wanted to go swim laps at the ymca instead! I really hope this boy makes All Stars this year. Joel wanted to stay home and watch a movie but Norah was so excited about the fireworks so we all went. 

Joel found these science goggles when they were cleaning their rooms and has worn them nonstop the past few days.

One of the glow sticks exploded on him but at least I could find him in the dark. 
Norah couldn't wait for them to start.

And then they started...

She spent the next twenty minutes rocking in the fetal position in my lap begging to home. Poor girl.  The boys loved every minute of it. 

Everyone keeps talking about the firework display one of our neighbors puts on each year and we are going to try to get Norah asleep before that happens tonight.

Today we went to watch the parade.  We checked the weather last night and there was only a 15% chance of rain. So when we woke up to no rain, a breeze and cooler weather we were excited for what we thought was perfect parade weather. Usually we are dying from the heat. 

Ten minutes after we got to the parade route it started to sprinkle. 

Brent went across the street and bought a few umbrellas - which we needed anyways because the boys umbrellas never made it home from school this year. 

And then it was a heavy downpour the rest of the time!  We were soaked and I think it will take our chairs a few days to dry out. 

But the parade went on and the kids didn't mind getting wet. I was surprised how many people were there watching the parade in the rain. We will always double check the weather the next day after this! 

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