Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, October 16, 2014


He is my artistic creative one. He takes after his Ma-ma-maa and Ant Ant. 

He comes home and draws and creates for hours lately. Even Legos have taken a back seat to crayons and paper. 

The picture above is an adult eagle. 
This is a baby eagle eating a pinecone. 
This is a robot. 

He also likes to use tape for just about anything. Sometimes I buy him scotch tape and he will use paper and string and make things. Right now he's got a scotch tape spider web intricately taped to his door with a very good lifelike drawing of a spider in the center. 
A neighbor was cleaning out their garage and gave Brent a box of brand new crayons and that was the best present ever to Joel. Sharpened crayons. He rationed out a few purple and pink ones for Norah and made sure Norah only took from the crayon box of broken used ones after that! 

I hope he always creates. It's fun seeing his mind work as he talks me through each piece of paper. 

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