Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, May 08, 2014


He's finally 8.  When he was 3 he would always say he was 8.  Back then maybe he realized that he could get out of a car seat at 8! But he's excited he no longer needs a booster and that's one growing up thing that makes me excited.  A car without car seats - imagine all the room we will have.  I took a picture Sunday night after church of his last time ever in a car seat.  But putting it next to the picture of his very first time in a car seat and it makes you wonder where the years went.  Seems like we were just bringing him home from the hospital. Time can be very cruel sometimes.  I wish the years could be longer.  Or that the kids didnt grow up so fast. 
When I was pregnant with Colin someone told me that there was something special about the firstborn. And I dont think the first born is more special than the other kids its just that you go through all the "firsts" with them. Kindergarten doesnt seem so scary for Joel because we've done it with Colin. Not saying I wont cry when Joel goes off to school but we know what to expect pretty much at each stage with the rest of the kids. With Colin we are figuring it all out together as we go along. And he's a really great kid to figure out this whole parenting thing with.  Colin is such a great kid.  He is very responsible.  Listens well.  Is very helpful.  Very kind and respectful.  He has such a great attitude about things and rarely complains.  He loves learning and is always telling me different facts about stuff I never heard about it.  He is such an easy going kid and is so much fun to be around.  He's our easiest kid right now to discipline because you just have to tell him once and he listens.  We still joke that he didn't prepare us for Joel or Norah because Colin is such an easy kid.  He was a horrible sleeper for the first 3 years of his life but he's made up for it by being such an easy going kid.  The past 8 years have gone so fast but he's so much fun to be around that it makes us excited about this next year. 

Ma-ma-maa and Grandpa came over Saturday night for dinner and to give Colin his presents.  And mom helped me make some "Creeper Krispees" for Colin to take to school. We made rice krispes to look like minecraft creepers. 

On his actual birthday I woke up really early and went to Duck Donuts to bring back Colin's favorite donut. They have opened one in Virginia Beach and we are very excited.  I tried to get home before Colin woke up but he and Joel were up before I got home.  But those donuts are worth getting up early for. 
 Then Joel and Norah and I brought Colin Chick fil A for lunch and the treats for his whole class.  I got a few thumbs up from some of the boys over the creeper krispees as Colin named them. So cute.   And 2nd grade boys are really funny.It was fun eating lunch with him.     
I had to pick up Colin early for his pulmonology appointment which we are going to try decreasing his medication in a month so thats exciting.  She's hopeful to get him off all medicine.  So we're praying this summer he does great on the lower dose.  Colin had said going into the appointment that a great present would be no medicine so we are getting closer. His numbers weren't as great as she wanted to do that.  He's breathing at 79% right now.  Poor thing but the pollen had something to do with his numbers. So after that all passes we'll go again and try the new medication. It doesnt seem to stop him from running around.  Sometimes I wonder how fast he'd really be if he could breath normally.

We were going to go strawberry picking but it started raining on our way home from the dr's so we went to Pungo Pizza and gave Colin a whole bunch of quarters to play in the arcade there. 

Then on the way home we got this video of Norah claiming Colin presents for her own. Silly girl. 

I think we are going to have a pool party with a few of his friends this summer.  I might even get away with combining his and Joel's parties but we'll see.  He's guest list keeps getting bigger and changes constantly.
But I hope he had a great day.  Colin you are so loved by everyone.  We are so blessed to be your parents. 

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