Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, June 29, 2013

another swim meet

Another swim meet.  This time at our pool.  We had to be there at an insane hour for a Saturday - 6:30am.  Well that's actually not too early around here but on a Saturday when all our children are sleeping in for once seems ridiculously early. (a shame to miss out on the sleeping in we could've done! Just another hour maybe but still...) 
Although my parents got less sleep since they drove over to watch.  We have 1 more swim meet at our pool in a few weeks and the rest at different away pools.  I'm getting used to how this league runs the meets so now I can figure out times for him to swim so Brent can bring up Joel and Norah when its getting close. 
Colin swam free and back.  The back was in the 9&10 group.  He dropped 10 seconds in free which is HUGE!  Back wasn't so great since he was almost perpendicular swimming backstroke :)  But he swam hard and had fun this week. 
I think its safe to say he's enjoying it this summer!

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