Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We were getting the kids ready for bed and I overheard this conversation between Colin and Joel

Joel: hey bubba. can I have this Lego figure? I really really really want it. (It was one of Colin's he kept in his special Lego box)

Colin: sure. But you have to be nice to Norah for a day.

Joel: ok

Colin: no make that nice for a whole week. You can have it if you are nice to Norah a whole week. (Joel is pretty rough with her)

Joel: ummmmm......ahhhhh....a week is a long long time....I will be nice to you bubba for a whole week.

Colin: nope you have to be nice to Norah.

(Big pause while he thinks about it)

Joel: I don't want it.

Haha poor Norah. I was thinking about that conversation this morning while dropping off Colin at school when Norah started to cry when Colin got out of the car. Joel did lean over and tried to hold her hand to make her feel better. Joel does lover her in his own rough, rubbing pretty ears way. His adores his Bubba... Not so sure sometimes how he feels about Norah.

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