Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Sunday, March 10, 2013


 Basketball is my favorite sport. I like how they dribble up and down the court. 

Thats the song Brent and Colin would sing each week.  And I think its true. We've found one of Colin's favorite sports.  Its the only sport he's played where he was really sad when it was over. The others it seemed like "ok that was fun now lets do something else" But he really really like basketball. 
It ended last week and it was fun to watch the end when somehow Colin and Noah had to guard each other.  The picture above is how Colin guarded the other players during the season.  Notice the difference in the picture below when its your best friend. (a best friend who happens to be moving far far away in a few months.... we're all really sad about that one)
Elbows were out for both of them.  It was entertaining to watch. They didnt foul each other - at least that was called by the refs. 

We're not doing baseball.  He hasn't mentioned it but once and it will be nice to have a break before swimming starts. We signed Joel up this year for the swim team. We're all looking forward to that.  And Colin and Brent are already talking about next years basketball season.

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