Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, May 22, 2008

its finally over!

Well much to my surprise we actually closed on our house today! And in the words of Colin, YEA WOOO HOOOO! So now we can really get serious about looking for a home down here.

And one of the most ridiculous things we had to do so the couple buying our home could get their FHA loan was to take the garage doors off our garage so it could be turned into a car port! Which its still a garage but at least it passed their requirements. Makes me wonder on who gets paid to make these rules. I'm glad they bought our house and glad they could get a loan but wish they hadn't gotten and FHA loan. Good thing they don't do FHA loans down here. There was a whole long list of stuff like that which made no sense and made me pray that the couple wouldn't back out since we could have a hard time selling it to someone else after all the FHA requirements. But they didn't and its now their house and they are currently moving in and probably repainting our walls going "i can't believe they actually painted this room that color!" haha I'm so glad its over.


Nystral Djo said...


Anonymous said...

YAY! Are you ready for your drum set Colin?

Anonymous said...

Horray for closing! I was just going to come in here to ask if you closed yet! What great news. What a cute kid too:-)

tifi*cha cha* said...

sooo happy for you! woohoo! see you in a week 1/2!

Beth said...

I am so glad to hear this! Hooray! :)