Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today we were supposed to close on our house. But note I said supposed. We had moved out, filled out our end of the paper work, everything was set and seemed to be in order and then we got a call from Carol yesterday. She said that the closing wouldn't happen today since the couple buying our house had applied for an FHA loan and for some reason those loans can't be processed as fast and that we had to wait. Which someone should've noticed that before. If FHA loans take so long then you shouldn't try to close in 30 days like they wanted. It was fine for us - the sooner the better but apparently they were a little hasty. So today I got a call from Carol saying that we had to get all our utilities turned back on (we had turned them off since we were supposed to close today) for the loan company to test all the appliances and make sure the electrical work we had done was done right. The appliances had to be checked during the home inspection but I guess the loan company or whoever is holding up this closing wants to make sure it all worked. So they are worrying about giving thousands of dollars in a loan for a$50 microwave! It doesn't make sense. Especially since the electrical work had to be done by a certified electrician and we had to send them a copy of the bill and name and phone number of the company who completed the repairs. So I am now on hold with the power company (and the kind operator just said there are 52 people ahead of me) so they can get in and check all these things so the couple can get their loan and we can close. OH and guess who gets to pay all the start up fees for them to do this! thats right us. All for one day of being turned on. AHHHHH so frustrating. You would think someone would've noticed all this BEFORE today. So hopefully it all gets straighed out soon. And a side note - we LOVE Carol. We met with a Realtor this weekend and while she was nice we really love Carol and wish she could come down here and help us find a house.


Beth said...

Ugh -- so frustrating! I hope it works out (and quickly!) and doesn't cost you a fortune. :( Keep us posted!

Nystral Djo said...


Anonymous said...

So I know you said you liked Carol but seriously, she is getting paid to know all this stuff of what could happen and what needs to be done in selling a house. She might be a nice person but I wouldn't personally use her.

Anonymous said...

Its not carol's fault - she did her part. Its the other Realtor who didn't realize or didn't follow through with some of this stuff. Poor Carol was in our basement getting the water out yesterday. After a year of all this she certainly deserves her commission! But hopefully it will all work out.