Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Monday, February 11, 2008

Guess what I can do!

A week ago exactly Colin surprised us all with his amazing athletic abilities yet again. It was 6am and Brent had just left for work as I heard Colin waking up. A few minutes later he got quiet and I thought he put himself back to sleep only to have him WALK into my room. He had climbed out of his crib, opened his door and then my door, and walked right in with the proudest smile on his face. Now he sleeps at night with a sleeper blanket (its a blanket that we zip him up in so he stays nice and warm as he likes to kick all the blankets off); so I should really say he shuffled in (imagine Sweet Pea). I couldn't figure out how he did it but the next day after he woke up from his nap, he met me on the stairs after I heard him from downstairs! Very scary. He's fast. So I immediately put him back in and told him to show me how he did it. He listened and did it for me. I wish I had a camera to capture his face as he was incredibly proud of himself and his new found independence. He uses the headboard on either side since it is higher than the railings, almost jumps up and grabs it, then swings his whole body over the side of the crib railing and then flops down to the ground. Very strong for a little boy and very scary for his mommy. We were going to transition him into his toddler bed but waited a few days and he hasn't tried to climb out again. We are now ready as I went and bought bed railings so he won't fall out of the bed. He is a very active sleeper and doesn't stay in one place very long. We are trying not to make a big deal about it so he doesn't think this is something you do all the time. However, we would like to get a video of him flinging his little body over the side of the crib before we move him into his toddler bed!


Nystral Djo said...

how scary! especially when there are unguarded steps involved. we are going to keep lily in her crib for as long as physically possible, since she sleeps so well in there. but she is a big climber, as well, and i am very afraid of the day she learns to climb out. then sleeping will be a HUGE challenge. yikes. how old is colin again?

Anonymous said...

time to get out the baby gate we grew up with always at the top of the stairs!!