Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas day

We had a wonderful Christmas. Colin woke up super early (as usual) and couldn't understand for a while why he had to be quiet since he knew his aunts (sarah and mary) were home. My brother (Ensign Gouger now!) and Angela came over later in the afternoon as well as Grandma and Hoooowwwward (as Colin calls his great grandpa) And angela and James brought their dog AJ! Notice the picture on the right as Colin proudly waves his daddy's Redskin flags with sheer jubilee! His dad said he is always going to remind him where his loyalties lie! His Redskins look (hope) to be playoff bound after this weekend.

It was a day filled with fun and lots of presents. Colin got his train (wooo woooo) and now has to carry it around everywhere. Mary gave him a Thomas dvd so now we watch Thomas all the time. In fact, Colin dreamed of trains that night. He had a hard time sleeping - probably due to all the excitement of the day. But as we're rocking in the glider in his room, I hear him begin to talk in his sleep. At first I thought he had woken up since I had just gotten him back to sleep. But he begins to go - "wooo wooo" - and then "i don't know" followed by an "uh oh" (in the Thomas video a train goes off the track and Colin always goes uh oh) I wish I knew what he was dreaming! Colin also got this huge dump truck. He is really into trucks and the funny thing is that right after he opens the truck, he starts driving it all over the house, but had to first make a pit stop in the living room. There he opens his truck book Santa brought him, flips through it and then proceeds on his way. I guess he had to make sure he was driving the truck right!

1 comment:

tifi*cha cha* said...

ABBY! sooo good to "see" you again! what a beautiful family you have. billy and heidi said that they had lunch with you guys. i will be coming after the baby arrives so i hope to see you then! God bless!