Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, January 14, 2021

New Years

Another new year.  Still feels like 2020 in this weird covid world.  We ate our black eyed peas and collard greens at Jeff's house.   Hoping to bring in lots of good luck and wealth this year.  Joel ate his peas but refused to eat any collards.  He said he tried collard greens for the first time last New Years day and he ended 2020 just as poor as he started out. I mean that could be attributed to covid, but he still refused to eat any. 

Colin could eat black eyed peas! I think he ate 5 bowls. Poor thing has been so hungry.

But he got his stitches out! And felt immediate relief.  That night for the first time in over 3 weeks he went upstairs to play xbox and put his headset on to talk to his friends.  And since then he has been eating normally. He said his tongue was sore the first few days but now it feels normal. The oral surgeon said he had never seen this on the tongue before. We hope to never have it come back.


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