Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

This Girl

This sweet girl

Last Monday she gave herself a hair cut. She gave herself perfect bangs and a few strange layers but overall its not bad. She said it was getting in her eyes and went under the kitchen table with the scissors. It could be worse.  But if you don't lift up the side of her hair where she has really short hair it would be hard to tell. 
Then Tuesday she swallowed money.  So as a baby she swallowed a button battery that could've killed her and now money. 
I watch a friends kids every Tuesday and Norah and Camden were playing so nice together in her room so I was reading books to the 18 month old in the other room.  I could hear them in her room giggling and playing. They don't always play well together so it was nice to see them interacting and getting along. Camden usually doesn't want to play in Norahs room with the girl toys. So the fact that they were in her room for a long time playing happily together was a big deal.  Norah comes out and tells me that Camden got sick.  I went to get up and I think I startled her because then she had a panicked look on her face and you could tell she was swallowing something.  I looked at her and asked what she swallowed and she said "my penny"  Apparently Camden wasn't really sick. They were playing and then pretending the money was medicine only Norah really stuck it in her mouth.
So I immediately called the doctor. Since she wasn't in distress and could eat bread and drink water they said to wait. The doctor said to keep an eye on her and if she starts complaining of stomach pains or vomiting then immediately take her in. And if it doesn't pass in 5 days to go get xrays because it was probably stuck.  Norah acted completely fine and except for a little sore throat (the doctor thinks it scraped a little going down) she was running around like normal.  At first I didn't let her run outside but then I figured she needed to get the money moving and just let her play and run like normal.
Later we were reading a I Spy book and it had a penny and I said I spy something you swallowed and she couldn't find the penny and then when I pointed it out she said that wasn't what she swallowed.
So I get out every coin and have her point to the one she swallowed. 
She pointed to the quarter.
Really?  Are you sure?  She kept insisting it was the big one. 
So I called the doctor again and asked what to do about the quarter and they said same protocol. 
And then I called the doctor back after googling it some more and the doctor told me to stop googling. HA!  But I did read about a person who went in for a colonoscopy at 40 and they found worn coins in her intestines that she must have swallowed as a child and never came out.  I didn't call the doctor back about that - I went across the street and talked to my neighbor who is a nurse! 
We weren't supposed to give her laxatives because if it was stuck that could damage her insides. Instead we did a high fiber diet and lots of water and juice.  And lots of going to the bathroom. 
I would put the poop in a ziplock bag and then squish it all around to make sure I checked every part.  Joel and Norah loved squishing the poop and thought it was a lot of fun with lots of "never put money in your mouth again!" It reminded me of those toddler activities where you put the paint in the ziplock bag and the kids can make pictures without the mess. Only ours was poop.  It was lovely. 
She finally pooped it out - a day before we were going to have to take her in.  And thankfully it was only a nickel!!!!!  She didn't enjoy pooping out the nickel so I can't imagine what a quarter would've felt like

The one on the right is the one she swallowed.  Its been cleaned off but its now rainbow color and a little corroded. 

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