Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Naps (or lack of)

Naps are very rare these days. She actually isn't sleeping in the above picture but she pretended to sleep then told me she didn't need to take a nap since she already napped at the park. 
These are probably most of the naps she's taken all summer or close to it! 
Before school got out I would put Joel and Norah in the jogging stroller and we would go for a run so Norah could nap. And even then it would be the last five minutes of our run. 

We are outside most mornings all morning and she still doesn't crash when we come home. Sometimes I doze off while putting her down for a nap. It's amazing how she doesn't fall asleep. I still try everyday and she plays in her bed for an hour but just refuses to sleep.
 But she does fall asleep at 6:30/7 most nights which is nice and she sleeps until 8:00/8:30 (compared to Colin at this age who was awake at 5:00) so I'm not complaing too much. And it is nice to not have to leave places or hurry home for a nap anymore since most likely she won't take one. But somedays a nap would be nice for all of us. 

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