Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Since we posted that Colin learned how to crawl out of his crib it seemed like he didn't want to anymore. So we put away the bed railing and decided not to convert his crib into a toddler bed yet since the crib contained him (at least for the moment) But this week he has decided instead to climb out at any possible moment. He likes to play in his crib with all his stuffed animals - mostly his aunt Mary's animals but he calls them his "ahlo ahlo's". And if he notices one missing now he just swings down off the crib and goes and gets it. He used to ask me to go get the missing animal. He also wakes up now and just climbs out instead of calling for the toddler bed might be coming out this weekend. We are having a hard time figuring out how to keep him in his room since the door sometimes doesn't catch the latch, and if he can swing over his crib like this, think of what he does to a smaller gate! It is keeping me up at night worried about him wandering down the stairs but we've made sure to really close the door and have one of those safety door knob things that are usually more trouble than they are worth. It seems to help (although our smart boy has figured out those too - at least a few times and I heard him yesterday morning going "uh-oh" since he was half asleep and couldn't remember his trick to it I guess since he couldn't get the door opened)

Here he is swinging his legs over and in a few seconds - before you can usually blink - he is like this


Anonymous said...

Wow. what a little acrobat! I am very impressed. Morgann never attempted to climb out of her crib. I've heard that they sell tents that work well to keep kids in the cribbie if you aren't ready for the toddler bed yet.

Good luck with all that. :-D


Anonymous said...

What is with the color scheme for that boy's sweats? Surely not i64w.
FlGators? Where is the green and gold? The maroon and orange? Or even his local grandpa's favorite, red and blue?