Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My brother, James, used to have a dinosaur tent that he slept in and we always played in it. Now 20 years later, Colin is enjoying the tent. We put it up one night while he was sleeping (in mary's room since she is now in college) The next morning while he was going into Mary's room to play with her stuffed animals you hear a gasp, squeal, and clapping as Colin found this amazing tent all set up. We have to play in it all the time. Colin climbs in, hugs and kisses every stuffed animal (as you can see his kisses could also be CPR) and makes each animal noise. If any animals are missing Colin goes and gets them and brings them to join the party. He and I took a nap in the tent Sunday and was so cute we just had to take a few pictures.


Brooke Barnett said...

Hi Abby & Brent!

My jaw dropped when I saw these pictures of Colin! He is just growing up! I love it- thanks for posting the pics. And, so funny about his love for lawnmowers.

We miss you guys!

Love, Brooke & Brian

Anonymous said...

Do I get to sleep in the tent at Christmas?