Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

beach bum

A few weeks ago I took Colin to the beach and then met Brent and our friend Mike for dinner. Colin loved the sand and when I wasn't looking he kept trying to get his sandy hand in my mouth. Sand is not so fun and is sticky and gross when you eat it. Colin loved watching the kids dig for crabs and would go up to them and try to take their toys when they weren't looking. (we have since bought Colin his own set of sand toys) Colin's favorite part of the day was the little spout on the boardwalk where you wash your feet off. He loved playing in the water and thought it was great watching everyone get sand off them. Afterwards we were sitting on a bench watching the people walk by when a policeman on a bike stopped by. Colin was eating his goldfish crackers and immediately put the bag behind his back (I guess so the policeman wouldnt take them) but the policeman asked if Colin was hiding dope in his diaper! I wasn't sure if that was a joke or not but I don't think we look like the kind of people who would do that. And really who jokes about that? I thought Va beach was a family friendly place. At least he didn't look in Colin's diaper and Colin didnt have to share his goldfish!


Beth said...

what a weird policeman... but that's too cute.

i have a blog now, too! :)

I miss you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Not that weird of a question for the 757...holla!