Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Friday, June 01, 2007


Besides saying mama, dada, and dog Colin has learned a new word - BALL. We were walking in the store the other day and passed the bin with all the bouncy balls and he pointed and clearly said ball. He was so proud of himself I had to buy him one and he told everyone in the store that it was a "ball." He LOVES balls and likes to pick one up out of the bin outside, take a few steps and throw it off the deck. Then he goes back and gets another ball and continues until all the balls are in the yard. Its funny because some of the balls are as big as he is! Today he was making unusual noises in his crib as he was suppossedly taking a nap and when I peaked in on him he was straining to get a little ball that was on his bookshelf. He kept repeating ball as he tried to make his arm longer. Apparently the grunting was suppossed to make him able to reach it. I couldn't resist and went in and gave him the ball. He is now napping with one of his balls.


Anthony Ryan Delorie said...

Colin sounds like he's further along talking than my Antonio. Antonio said MOOOOOOO-nuh last week and said it over and over if you asked him what he saw and pointed to outside in ths sky. And he was proud of himself. But hasn't said it since.

"He is now napping with one of his balls." - wow that's adorable.

Anonymous said...

This kid is too cute for West Virginia. Gotta get him out of there before his teeth fall out.