Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, January 23, 2014


JThis boy. Our incredibly sweet ornary boy. It's amazing how much he can melt my heart at the same time he is misbehaving and most likely not listening. He had a follow up appointment last week to see the results of all the tests they've run on him. It made me really nervous when they did an ultrasound a few weeks ago and the technician got really serious and spent 30 minutes on his left kidney and barely any time on his right. And then very quietly says "the dr will have the results tomorrow" and then I was left waiting until this appointment. I had to keep reminding myself how incredible it was that we found the sludge in the first place. That the Lord had Laura in this program at this time and needed a 4 year old to practice on and not just to practice on but specifically taking pictures of bladder and kidneys. If He could do all that and have us find it before it caused kidney damaged then surely whatever the further tests found then it would be ok. (For you fellow hokies it was Laura Stevenson) but i still worried. so good news is the sludge is gone and he is fully emptying his bladder each time he pees. That was pretty amazing to see the difference.  We still have to be on him everyday to make sure hes still doing it but that was a relief. And there is no permenant damage done. Bad news is he still can't poop it all out or isn't pooping at all.  So we have a lot more work to do and she is letting us try some natural ways before sending us to GI specialists and send a scope in there and who knows what. I'm hoping we can get the poop on track. I'd post the poop pics  I've been taking to show the dr but I don't want to embarrass him when he's older. You know just until he brings a girl home and then the poop pics might come out. It's really amazing how much poop he has stored in his body. He stood up once in the bath and yelled that poop was coming and it was huge. It went  from his butt to the floor. Ha never thought I'd be posting how big my sons poops are.  But we are working on it and this week he's done great. And more hero factory guys are his prize. He just earned one today and has a few more he's aiming to earn this month. I'm hoping to avoid the specialist and also all the medical bills that would come with all that - we have enough of those already.   I'm also convinced that Joel is still waking up several times a night is because if this poop/ bladder issue. He's never slept through the night so hopefully once we get him straight we can all sleep. He told me yesterday that his stomach doesn't hurt as much since he's pooped everyday this week. So we are on the right track. It is very humbling to go so often to the childrens hospital. Weve gone a lot lately with joel and colin goes regularly for his asthma. Very glad our problems arent too serious. 

1 comment:

Sarah D. said...

Oh I hope he gets to where he needs to be and starts feeling completely better real soon. Its amazing how much we talk about poop in this household these days. That is something they don't tell you before you have kids--poop talk.