Life As We Know It

Life As We Know It

Thursday, February 08, 2007

our little handyman

This past weekend I got out the measuring tape to measure as I tried to rearrange our furniture once again to make things more childproof. Brent picked up the measuring tape and started showing it to Colin who thought it was a game - see how fast you can grab the end before it winds back up. Who needs toys when Daddy's tools are this much fun!

Colin the Rhino!

We have had tons of fun with Colin lately. His personality comes out more every day. One of our favorite things that he has started doing is his "Rhino" impersonation! As most of you know, his crawling speed is at "maximum velocity" so we chase him around the house all the time on our knees (makes it a little more fun as we would probablly catch him pretty quick otherwise!). Lately, as we chase after him, he turns around and starts crawling the opposite direction giggling the whole way. Well, as he's moving as fast as he can, he tends to lower his head occasionally trying to use it as a battling ram or something. I guess you have to see it for yourselves, but to us it is absolutely hilarious. We think he thinks that if he lowers his head, it will help him pick up speed or something! ha

He also now has "almost" 5 teeth! As you see in this picture, he definitely has four, but his fifth one is coming in on the bottom. I was amazed Abigail got this shot, but he's showing off the few pearly whites that he does have! What a stinkin cutie.